Kigali Master Plan

The Kigali City Master Plan 2013 includes the Detailed District Master Plans for Nyarugenge, Gasabo and Kicukiro, and was developed to incorporate, harmonise and update all the previous plans and translates the broad long-term strategies into detailed land use and zoning plans to guide the City’s urban development.

  • Every new development should follow the guidelines stated in the ZONING REPORTS for each district.

  • ZONING MAPS are also available online through the WebGIS application specifically designed.

A brief guide to the Kigali Master Plan 2013

This brief guide will help you understand the Master Plan of the City of Kigali and the key principles adopted for the Master Plan development.The Master Plan will help the citizens of Kigali to live in a better urban environment, which emphasises on social inclusion, economic development, access to civic facilities, and sustainable growth.We are aware that many people want to know more about master planning and the proposed Master Plan for Kigali so they’ll be reassured about future plans for their houses or business. To enable a better understanding we have provided some simple explanations about ‘What is a Masterplan’, ‘How it works’, ‘What are its basic planning principles’ and ‘How residents can use it as a tool for development’.


The Master Plan is a comprehensive long term plan intended to guide growth and development of Kigali City. It understands Kigali’s existing conditions and issues to provide recommendations and proposals for Kigali’s bright and progressive future. Through comprehensive studies it determines the City’s growing needs, and provides clear goals and strategies to direct future growth of Kigali City. The planning process involves working through four basic questions, which will be answered with the Kigali City Master Plan:

  1. Where is Kigali City now?
  2. How did Kigali City get here?
  3. What does Kigali City want to be in the future?
  4. How does Kigali get there?

The master plan is an expression of Kigali City’s intention for the future and provides guidance to accomplish that vision.


The most important aspect of the Kigali Master Plan is to provide a road map for Kigali’s future growth.The Masterplan: Guides changes in the City over long term and gives physical form to its strategic vision and values. Addresses all aspects of the City’s physical environment such as; existing conditions and proposed projects, open space and circulation. Helps the City understand options for growth and its implications so that informed decisions and choices by are made by City Leaders and Stakeholders.


The changing population demographics, the need to provide services to the citizens, aspiration for economic development, are just some of the key factors that require are being addressed by the City. The City Master Plan is a guide which shows the City’s development in the best possible way.

The master planning process provides the City with tools to anticipate changes and pre-empt the solutions. The resulting master plan enables the City to make informed decisions about how the government’s economic resources need to be utilized ensuring the development and growth best serve the City’s population.

It’s important to know that change will happen. We must face it with technical knowhow and flexibility. “The City Master Plan is the blueprint for our future” Together we can create a vision for Kigali which will protect what we love (our natural resources, culture, and unique identity) while always keeping in mind how we intend to grow our economy, and meet the needs of residents and business people alike. We need to ensure an efficient transportation system and compatible land uses that promote public health, safety, and welfare that benefits all.


The Kigali City Master Plan is not about building skyscrapers! Instead, Kigali City Master Plan provides answer to many questions:

  • How should land be used?
  • Where growth should occur and in what form?’,
  • Where should housing and commercial development be located?
  • How and where should the different building uses be located?
  • What will be the density of the developments?’ and much more.Fortunately, with the help of the Master Plan, the City can guide its future growth and development. Whenever a Developer wants to build, or the City wants to construct a new road, or the Government wants to provide new infrastructure, the Master Plan will be the first stop to guide their decisions.


Kigali Master Plan 2013 is the final step of a long planning process started in 2007.

With the completion of the Kicukiro and Gasabo Physical Detailed Plans in 2013, in addition to the existing Nyarugenge detailed plan, the City now has detailed plans for all three Districts of Kigali. These detailed plans can now be referred to guide development of individual plots.

The Detailed District Master Plans for Nyarugenge, Gasabo and Kicukiro 2013 equip Kigali City to guide future growth and development.

All past plans have been studied and adopted in the detailed Masterplan 2013, and hence are superseded for all official purpose and Kigali City One Stop Center will refer to Kigali City Master Plan 2013 for all future references.


Kigali Master Plan 2013 Documentation

From this LINK is possible to access the WebGIS to consult online zoning plan.

From the links below is possible to download the latest documentation on the Masterplan:

Analysis and Vision

Master Plan Concept Plans

The Transport Plan is an integral component of the District Plans as it: Determines the transportation vision for Kigali City,Understand the future infrastructure requirements, Bridges the gap between the existing and future conditions by developing approaches, strategies and policies, and translating them into plans.

District Master Plans


Detailed Urban design Plans

The detailed Urban Design Plans complement the land use plans for Kigali with the detailed design of strategic areas to create useful, attractive, safe, environmentally sustainable, economically successful and socially equitable places with adistinct identity and character.


There is a long list of Plans that were produced to guide the sustainable development of the City. Building on the Planning Process stated in 2005 and we now have a complete roster of plans that together compose the Kigali Master Plan.

Kigali City Conceptual Master Plan provides a long-term ‘Vision’ for the City. It laid out fundamental principles of sustainable urban development such as protection of Wetlands, Slopes and Forests, emphasizes on balanced neighbourhoods and downtown development, social inclusion and economic growth or all strata of society.

Kigali Conceptual Master Plan (2007)

Sub Area Plans

The Sub Area Plans are detailed physical plans for specific areas in the City that were prepared to guide their development.

Kigali Master Plan Reports 2020


Kigali City Master Plan 2013 and all the related Detailed and Zoning Plans were drafted in collaboration with Surbana International Consultants Pte. Ltd.

Kigali Conceptual Master Plan and the Subareas Plans were drafted in collaboration with OZ Architecture